Small brown Cockapoo puppy sleeping on a sofa at home during a brand new puppy session

Brand New Puppy - Help!

Practical, personalised advice, plus useful tips and guides to help your new puppy settle in at home.

Book a home visit.

Bringing home a brand new puppy can be both exciting and overwhelming. There’s so much to think about.

The exhaustion, toileting training accidents, puppy biting and muddled daily routine can all leave you feeling unsure of how to handle the challenges of puppyhood.

You’ve done the research, but maybe it still feels like everything’s a bit topsy-turvy.

My Brand New Puppy introductory session is designed to help you add some structure to it all, managing your pup’s environment and guiding good interactions from the get go.

“Puppy me up.”

If your puppy’s just arrived, you’re likely to have a lot of questions already. This is an info-packed, introductory session designed to help you settle your puppy into life at home.

  • Interacting With Your Puppy:

    We’ll talk about starting as you mean to go on, management for success, and guiding good interactions from the get go.

  • Daily Routine:

    Setting up some structure, managing your pup’s busy diary, including sleep and toilet training.

  • Puppy Socialisation:

    Why is socialisation so important and what does it entail? The first few months of your puppy’s life will shape their view of the world.

  • Training Equipment and First Principles:

    Recommendations and tips on comfy harnesses, leads and lots of other useful stuff.

Large black puppy settled calmly on a mat during a brand new puppy session at home
Puppy Life, London logo in blue

Session Details

I come out to you for a home visit.

Book a weekday slot, either late morning or early afternoon.

£65 A one-hour session.

(No travel charge within 20 minutes of Canary Wharf)

Plan ahead and book a settling in session now.

Stephanie Ismail MAPDT (01589)

“Support and advice”

Stephanie’s support and clear advice was very useful, and it really helped get us off on the right footing with our new puppy Buddy.

– G. (London)

White and tan Cavapoo puppy having a Brand New Puppy session at home

Booking a Brand New Puppy session is a great choice if:

  • You've recently adopted a new puppy and they’re coming home in a couple of weeks, or maybe they’ve just arrived.

  • You want the best science-backed advice and tips on how to get on the right track from the very beginning.

  • You want to work with a trainer who is committed to helping you and your puppy build a wonderful bond.

  • Your puppy is up to 3 months old.

    Already planning head? Great, you can book your spot in Puppy Classes now.

Four steps to success for starting out with your brand new puppy!


Book your HOME visit

Check when your puppy’s coming home and book online now.


brand new puppy session

I come out to you and we’ll go through puppy raising basics, plus personalised suggestions for your home environment and setting pup up for success.


keep me posted

I know how challenging the beginning of the journey can seem. I’m here for you. Get in touch with any puppy raising questions until your pup is ready to start classes.


next steps

When you’re ready, you can sign up to puppy classes or book personalised training sessions to help your puppy learn important life skills.


  • Great question, it’s important to have some extra plans in place to introduce other animals gradually. You can provide more details on your booking form.

  • Puppies are learning all the time. Building your bond, management and good guidance are priorities in the beginning. There’s no rush. We’ll cover some basic training principles in this session. Your puppy can start training sessions from about 11 weeks, or classes (if they’ve received their main vaccinations).

  • Your puppy! We’ll chat through everything else in the context of your home environment.

Discover the joy of learning about each other.

Get it in the diary and book your ‘Brand New Puppy’ session today.